HONEY – 180 Substances


One sweetener that has been widely used recently as an alternative to sugar is honey. For several years honey has been used in the traditional medicine of various peoples because of the various properties that have been attributed to it over the years. Honey contains at least 180 different substances, which are organically linked in such a way that no one has so far been able to make it artificially, despite its known composition.

Some properties that have been attributed to honey are as follows:

Antibacterial: Many studies have attested to the ability of various types of honey to inhibit the growth of some antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The exact mechanism by which honey demonstrates its antibacterial activity is not fully understood. First, the sugars in honey remove moisture, which favours the growth of bacteria.

In addition, some of its components, such as methylglyoxal in manuka honey or hydrogen peroxide in others, are known for their toxic effect on bacteria. Of particular interest are the results of a 2011 study from the University of Amsterdam, which found that the antibacterial activity of manuka honey was still present even after the methylglyoxal had been neutralized, suggesting that there are other unknown factors in honey with antibacterial activity.

Antioxidants: Raw unpasteurized honey contains several phytoconstituents with certified anti-cancer properties. Unfortunately, pasteurization of honey destroys several of them. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that darker types of honey, such as manuka, eucalyptus or buckwheat honey, compared to lighter ones.

Hypercough:Although not scientifically explained, in a 2007 study from the University of Pennsylvania comparing buckwheat honey to the antitussive drug dextromethorphan, parents reported that honey was more effective in relieving nighttime coughs in children with upper respiratory tract infections.Source : iator.gr

Source: http://bit.ly/wsGk1F.


Honey is produced in most countries of the world. It is the only food on the planet that will never spoil or rot. It will only… crystallize. Honey will in fact be honey forever.

However, when left in a cold, dark place for too long it will solidify. When this happens, simply loosen the lid off the jar you have it in and place the container of honey in hot water, but not boiling water. Turn off the heat and let it liquefy. Then it’s as good as it was in the beginning.

Never boil the honey or microwave it because that will kill the enzymes.

A mixture of honey and cinnamon has been found to cure most diseases. Scientists today also accept honey as a “RamBan” (very effective) medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side effects in all kinds of diseases.

Although honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm even diabetic patients.

World News, a magazine in Canada, in its edition dated January 17, 1995, has given the following list of diseases that can be treated with honey and cinnamon, as researched by western scientists:

Heart disease:Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, spread it on bread instead of jam and eat it regularly for breakfast. It lowers cholesterol in the arteries and saves from heart attack. Also those who have already had a heart attack, if they do this procedure daily, it will help them not to have another one.

The regular use of the above procedure helps in the proper functioning of breathing and strengthens the heartbeat. As we age, arteries and veins lose their flexibility and become clogged. Honey and cinnamon rejuvenate the arteries and veins.


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