Bee is an equal partner

We take care of its health, of placing it in a warm place in winter and shady in summer, of transporting it to beehives rich in pollen and nectar, of feeding it in times of misery, of protecting it from pesticides.

She takes care of us by giving us her products. Honey, pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis. If we do not treat her as an equal partner and deprive her of all her honey, or do not treat her accordingly, the time will come when the beehive will die of starvation and we will have no place to get honey next year.

A strong organism has strong self-defence A strong beehive, with a young queen, many young bees, placed in an area with lush beekeeping vegetation, has the ability to deal with disease on its own A weak old and stunted organism, easily becomes prey to all kinds of parasites and viruses.

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