About us

Years of Experience

We are beekeepers many generations back in time

Nicolaus gave birth to Gregory, Gregory gave birth to Theodore, Theodore gave birth to Paul, Paul gave birth to Theodore.

All of them beekeepers with professional occupations and pioneers in their region. The knowledge of the beekeeping art was one that was passed down from generation to generation, with each father passing on to his son the experiences of his ancestors and his own discoveries in the enigmatic society of bees.

If there were written evidence , we might have reached very deep into the centuries Perhaps even up to the years of our fellow countryman Aristotle of Stagiriti who mentions in his writings about the development of beekeeping , about the different sexes of each hive, drone, worker, queen, but also mentions techniques that were not questioned until 1850 when the Lagstronth hive was discovered.


Who we are

Our family business was officially founded in 1990 and took its name from the Abbates regions of the Greek countryside which we visit to collect honey.

Given the knowledge that nomadic beekeeping presents significant advantages we decided to follow nature

The bees are transported from area to area where the bee plants are in bloom.

Thus the bees find food on their own without the need of human feeding.
All these efforts to produce high quality products seem to the observer’s perception to be laborious. We – the whole family – enjoy it because we love what we do!

Having a remarkable family tradition in honey production, with all that this implies in terms of knowledge, we understood that in order to grow as a business we must first of all have a passion and harmonious cooperation with nature and above all with the bee.

Today, our beekeeping unit consists of 600 hives , 2 beekeeping trucks, privately owned facilities of 500 square meters and a fully equipped honey packing laboratory.

To the equipment I think I should add my rich beekeeping library and the accumulated experience we have gained from managing the apiary.

Our Philosophy - Our Vision

Bee is an equal partner

We take care of its health, of placing it in a warm place in winter and shady in summer, of transporting it to beehives rich in pollen and nectar, of feeding it in times of misery, of protecting it from pesticides.

It takes care of us by giving us its products. Honey , pollen, Royal Jelly , Propolis.

If we don’t treat her like an equal partner and remove all her honey, or don’t give her the appropriate care, the time will come when the beehive will die and we will have nowhere to get honey next year.

Our Philosophy - Our Vision

A strong organism has strong self-defence

A strong beehive, with a young queen, many young bees, placed in an area with rich beekeeping vegetation, has the ability to cope with diseases on its own.

A weak, old and stunted organism, easily becomes prey for all kinds of parasites and viruses.

A strong swarm has strong self-defense and has no need for chemical preparations to deal with viruses and parasites that will attempt to attack it While a weakened one we cannot easily revive.

But what are the factors that lead us to have a strong bee? A strong organism

Success in beekeeping rests on the trifecta of Queen – Swarm Health – Bee Health. A good knowledge of these elements also guarantees success in beekeeping. Of course the Beekeeping Library

Why organic honey

We often get questions like “Is there organic honey? What is the difference between organic honey and conventional honey?”, “Can a beekeeper guide bees where they will forage? “.Questions that rightly concern the average consumer.

The honey that bees collect can be affected by:

Knowing very well the biology of the bee, the practices of organic beekeeping and the areas of the Greek countryside with native bee plants, we are the first in Greece to certify our farm and our honey ABATON is the first certified Greek organic honey.

Το περιβάλλον από το οποίο συλλέγουν οι μέλισσες την τροφή τους.
Οι μέλισσες συλλέγουν την τροφή τους από χιλιάδες λουλούδια τα οποία ευδοκιμούν και αποδίδουν σε ένα φυσικό περιβάλλον. Όταν αυτό το περιβάλλον διαταράσσεται από κάθε λογής επιβάρυνση όπως για παράδειγμα φυτοφαρμακευτικές ουσίες, ρύποι κ.α. είναι αναμενόμενο να επηρεάζεται τόσο το φυτό, όσο και η μέλισσα.
Έτσι λοιπόν η θέση του μελισσοκομείου πρέπει να είναι τέτοια που να βρίσκεται σε σε ακτίνα 5 km από τη θέση του μελισσοκομείου ώστε οι πηγές νέκταρος και γύρης να αποτελούνται βασικά από βιολογικές καλλιέργειες ή αυτοφυή βλάστηση.
Επιλέγουμε περιοχές όπου μέσα από τη μακροχρόνια εμπειρία μας γνωρίζουμε οτι τουλάχιστον σε ακτίνα 5 km, που είναι και η ακτίνα της μέλισσας, δεν υπάρχουν μολυσματικές πηγές, δεν υπάρχει χρήση φυτοφαρμάκων ή λιπασμάτων.
Για παράδειγμα στον Χολομώντα όπου είναι και η έδρα μας και διατηρούμε το μελισσοκομείο μας για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα, υπάρχουν τέτοιες εκτάσεις μελισσοκομικά ωφέλιμες. Επίσης τέτοιες εκτάσεις βρίσκουμε στην είσοδο του Αγίου Όρους 5 χιλιόμετρα νότια της Ουρανούπολης , όπου συλλέγουμε το Ρεικόμελο (μέλι σουσούρας), αλλά και εντός του Αγίου Όρους στην Ιερά μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας που από εκεί συλλέγουμε το μέλι “Φλαμούρι – Καστανιά”

Από τις επεμβάσεις που κάνει ο μελισσοκόμος στη μελισσοκομία όπως για παράδειγμα ο τρόπος που διαχειρίζεται την μέλισσα ως προς τις ασθένειες.

Ειχαμε την ευτυχία να διδαχθούμε την άσκηση της μελισσοκομίας από τους παππούδες μας τότε που δεν υπήρχαν φάρμακα αλλά με πρακτικές μεθόδους διατηρούσαν μελισοσμήνη με ισχυρό οργανισμό και ισχυρή αυτοάμυνα. Έτσι σήμερα εφαρμόζουμε τις ίδιες πρακτικές αν και περισσότερο κοπιαστικές αλλά πολλαπλά ωφέλιμες.

The environment from which bees collect their food.
Bees collect their food from thousands of flowers that thrive and yield in a natural environment. When this environment is disturbed by all kinds of pollution such as pesticides, pollutants, etc. it is to be expected that both the plant and the bee are affected.
So the location of the apiary should be such that it is within a radius of 5 km from the location of the apiary so that the sources of nectar and pollen are basically organic crops or native vegetation.
We choose areas where we know through our long experience that at least within a radius of 5 km, which is the radius of the bee, there are no contaminating sources, no use of pesticides or fertilizers.
For example, in Cholomontas where we are based and have maintained our apiary for a long time, there are such areas that are beneficial to beekeeping. We also find such areas at the entrance of Mount Athos 5 km south of Ouranoupolis, where we collect the ReikoMelo (honey of Sousouros), but also within Mount Athos at the Holy Monastery of Megisti Lavra, from where we collect the honey “Flamouri – Kastania”

From the interventions that the beekeeper makes in beekeeping, such as the way he manages the bee in terms of diseases.

We had the good fortune to be taught the practice of beekeeping by our grandparents back then when there were no medicines but practical methods were used to maintain bee colonies with strong bodies and strong self-defence. So today we apply the same practices albeit more laborious but multiply beneficial.